Review / Girl in Blue

20221002ma_1712Book: Girl in Blue (2001)
Author: Ann Rinaldi
Genre: MG, Historical Fiction (Civil War)
Publisher: Scholastic

Opening lines from the book …
The girl, Sarah Louisa, sat by the open window in the back bedroom that belonged to her brother. She sat in the rocker and rested the barrel of the Winchester.44 rifle on the sill. Its wood felt solid in her hands. Every so often she’d run her fingers over the fancy engraving of the girl on the stock, which was near worn now from so much use.


1) The story sets the scene immediately with WHY this girl would join the Union Army. Yeah, she’s only 15, but she doesn’t want to marry her old neighbor. (And by “old” I mean he’s probably 30! Which is old when you’re 15.) I definitely was on her side to get out of there…

2) For the first half of the book, we get to see Sarah* (or Neddy as she calls herself) in the army. She’s marching with all the boys in blue. She has her own rifle from back home (on the farm); it isn’t so far-flung that she’s able to keep up with the shooting part since she’s already set up as an excellent marksman from the farm.

3) There’s a mysterious woman that’s set up during her time helping out one of the Union doctors. I really like that the story picks up this thread in the second half of the novel.

4) **Spoiler here! She gets caught as a girl. But that shifts us to the next part of the story. She joins the Pinkerton detectives to figure out how a certain mysterious woman is spying on the Union troops. End Spoiler.**

5) Ann Rinaldi’s books always seem to have a bit of a bittersweet ending. Nothing sugary in her historical fiction! That is something to be prepared for when you read her books.


I’ve been on an American Civil War kick of late. This book has been sitting on my TBR bookpile for ages. I would definitely recommend this book to those who are interested in learning about the Pinkerton detectives and their role in the Civil War.



Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

3 thoughts on “Review / Girl in Blue

  1. I’m glad you put in the spoiler because that development sounds great! I must get hold of some Irish historical fiction. I remember reading some great ones when I was a child. Thanks for the review!


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