Review / Slugfest

20240323ma_0374Book: Slugfest (2024)
Author: Gordon Korman
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Genre: MG, Contemporary/Sports

Opening lines from the book …
Too bad Yash only has four letters. Having your name spelled out by a squad of cheerleaders feels pretty great—and it’s over practically before it starts. Mom and Dad should have named me Maximiliano or Demetrius.

What makes this book stand out …

Yash is a star football player who ends up in summer school PE class because he needs the credit to graduate into high school. And because of summer school, his spot as quarterback is in danger … because there’s a new QB in town! I don’t always like characters like Yash—and as you can see from the opening lines—he comes across as conceited. But he’s not really. Or at least, he quickly grows out of that. He’s a very likable character, and I was definitely rooting for him and his band of misfits. Love the “misfit” teacher, “Coach,” who loves to bake and doesn’t let a PE session go without some form of sweet treat (hence the big cake on the front cover).

Lots of classic Korman humor in this book. To give you a sense of this, the summer school “Physical Education Equivalency” is known as PEE. Yash calls it “Slugfest” and the story begins when he’s about to become their top slug!



Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

5 thoughts on “Review / Slugfest

  1. I haven’t read this yet, but Gordon Korman is an author I choose when I want to read something amusing. Really enjoy his books. Happy MMGM 


  2. I haven’t read anything by Gordon Korman in a long, long time, but I can very much see him writing a character who seems conceited at first but turns out to be delightful and part of a fun cast! This sounds like another great read from him—I’m amazed at how many books he has written and continues to write. Thanks so much for the thoughtful review, Maria, and enjoy your week!

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