Why I Re-read Books


I’ve heard that a lot of people refuse (or just don’t) re-read books. I’ve never understood this. I agree that there ARE books I will never re-read.

Here are three reasons why I re-read books all the time.

Reason #1 – Books are Friends!

Books (to me) are kind of like friends. When I find a good book, just like when I find a good friend, I want to send time with that book. And yes, that means a re-read.

Reason #2 – Following the Clues

I get more out of the book each time I read it. There are things I miss the first, second, even third time I read a book. Sometimes it might have to do with my own age or situation (at the time when I am reading). But I often find new little insights when I re-read books. Perhaps it’s just a little in-joke put in by the author. Or set-up that later pays off in the climax. These are what make re-reading worth it.

Reason #3 – An Enjoyable Read

I know I’m going to enjoy the book. This is especially true if I’ve already read and re-read this book multiple times. I know this book will be a good one. I’m not going to want to throw the book across the room because the author didn’t live up to their promise of writing a good book. I already know it’s a good book!

Note: This post has been brought to you by the Swallows and Amazons series (by Arthur Ransome). I was first introduced to these books in a Children’s Literature course I took at university. And I loved them. There are some I love better than others. But I recently picked up Swallowdale and Winter Holiday to re-read. 🙂


Do you re-read books? Do you re-read often? What are your favourite books to re-read? Let me know in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

28 thoughts on “Why I Re-read Books

  1. I agree: they are some books I’ll re-read and some I will not. And when I do re-read it is a great delight to reacquaint myself with the characters. But there does have to be a gap of sufficient years to draw me back.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am re-reading books all the time. I don’t understand people who do not 🙂 Some books are just meant to be re-read, and I agree with you that you sometimes discover something new with each re-read.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I reread all the time.. and I don’t need time between either… Even I’m totally in love with the characters, I reread pretty quickly, forgetting about all the books on my TBR 😂😂😂
    And I love the familiarity of rereading my favorites.. it brings me a lot of comfort…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t re-read as often as I used to, mainly because there are so many books on my reading list. Re-reading helps me when I’m in a reading slump though. Old friends get me through and get me ready for a new adventure.

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  5. I giveaway most of the books I read (just dropped off 22 of them at the local library today). Some though stay on my shelf waiting for the perfect time to reread. The first time through is for enjoyment and then I read it again concentrating on how it was written.

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    • Yes, since I also write, I do look at books to dissect them. Rereading is perfect for that. Although, depending on the book, sometimes I get so wrapped up in the plot that I forget the mechanics!


  6. I enjoy rereading books too. I often do it just to revisit a story I enjoyed. Other times I do it to see what I missed on my first read or to see if my opinion about the story has changed or just to refresh my memory of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I LOVE finding little things I missed on a first read. It’s kind of like finding treasure.

      And yes, sometimes I find I don’t enjoy a book as much the second time. Which is an interesting idea for a post waiting to be written.


  7. I hardly ever have time to re-read books as I have so many to review for the reviews I write for. One of the best things about teaching high school was that I got to re-read some of the best books that have ever been written, but I just don’t have that time any more.

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  8. I love rereading books! I think many bloggers don’t because they feel they have to keep up with new releases, but many book lovers enjoy talking about old favorites, too! Actually, I get more interaction on posts about older books because more people have had a chance to read them.


  9. Pingback: My Top Ten Reads… from 2019 | Of Maria Antonia

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