Review / Super Puzzletastic Mysteries

20240306ma_0327Book: Super Puzzletastic Mysteries (2020)
Author: Chris Grabenstein, et al.
Publisher: HarperCollins
Genre: MG, Mystery Short Stories

Opening lines from the book …
For me, a lot of the fun of reading mysteries comes from trying to solve the story’s puzzle before the characters in it do. I think this fun started Christmas when Santa brought me a book: Donald Sobol’s Two-Minutes Mysteries (Sobol was also the creator of Encyclopedia Brown).

There would be some sort of crime, the clue would be presented, and the story would end without a solution. I had to rack my ten-year-old brain and try to figure out the whodunit or what happened. (From the Introduction)

What makes this book stand out …

This is a collection of short stories from different MG mystery writers. There’s a Riley Mack story by Chris Grabenstein and a FunJungle story from Stuart Gibbs. Be prepared for perfect alibis, and 57 cats, surprises, and math puzzles. I think my favorite title is: The Case of the Mysterious Mystery Writer (by Tyler Whitesides). 

Each story has the solution at the back of the book. This book is perfect for the middle-grade reader who wants to dip a toe into the wonderful world of mysteries!


Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

PB Review + Interview / La Mala Suerte is Following Me

MalaSuerteFollowingMe_en_Not-FNL_OK-External_CVRBook: La Mala Suerte is Following Me (2024)
Author: Ana Siqueira
Carlos Vélez Aguilera
Publisher: Charlesbridge
Genre: Picture Book

Opening Lines of the Book…
My life is perfecta.
Good grades at school.
Best goalie on the team.
Super lucky all the time.
Until …


This is a fun book that deals with a boy and superstitions. Meet Miguel, the luckiest boy in town, and he can’t wait to play in the soccer tournament at the end of the week. But suddenly, he encounters all sorts of bad luck, personified by the La Mala Suerte (a black puddle/cloud) … He’s not sure what to believe … until he decides to try to make his own luck.

I love the additional notes usually found at the back of the book. And this one has a page that talks about various superstitions from around the world!


Q: What inspired you to write this book?
A:  In my house, I am the positive one and my husband is the negative one. I noticed that my positive attitude towards life makes me also a go-getter. So, for example, you might get a pass from an editor and feel defeated. But I would allow this sad feeling to percolate for one day, after that… I’ll work on making this manuscript better. I’ll talk to my agent about resubmitting it. Let me join six critique groups so I can get help and help others.

My husband is a wonderful person and a fighter, but sometimes he lets this defeated feeling take over his life and dreams. And he used to have a Cuban saying (not Kidlit-appropriate) about the bad luck following him. Hahaha. So I guess we both inspired this book.

Q: What is your scene from the book? (without giving away spoilers) 
A: I love the way the illustrator Carlos Velez Aguillera drew La Mala Suerte.  And also, when Miguel tries his tia’s “existential” oils. But I can’t choose a favorite. I think this is a book filled with humor, both through words and art.


Q: Authors often put themselves into the story. Which character is most like YOU and why?
A: When I was a little girl I used to think the world was so unfair. My parents were unfair. My life was unfair. So the little me relates to the negative Miguel. But he’s also a go-getter. He let the bad luck feeling percolate for a few days, but then he decided to make his own luck. I relate to his new attitude toward life now that I discovered life can be unfair sometimes, but most of the time life is pretty great.

Q: Are you, or have you ever been, superstitious?
A: Not really. Even though, when I was little, the world was so unfair to me. Hahaha. I did imagine it was because I was born on July 13th. Spooky.

La-Mala-Suerte-page-6Q: What is your favorite superstition? (Or one you love to hate!)
A: I don’t have that many superstitions—only the ones created by ourselves. For example, if my soccer team wins while I am wearing a blue jersey, then I will try using it every time my team plays.

Q: What is your writing method?  How do you go about making up the stories?
A: Normally, when I get an idea, I open a doc for it. And there I write anything related to the idea. I also research and read many picture books with similar topics. While researching and reading, I keep writing ideas. And the ideas start to mix, match, swing, and swirl in my brain. Then I outline it- spread by spread. That way I know what will happen in each spread as a scene. For example, in spread 1, Miguel opens the umbrella and Abuela says now the bad luck will follow him.

Depending on the idea, the brain-marinating can take from days to months. As I’ve mentioned, the idea of bad luck following someone has been part of my ideas for a long time. It was a whole year’s process until I found out how I wanted to tell this story.

Then, of course, I share my story with my amazing critique partners and work on revising, choosing the right words, and adding humor and heart.

Q: What draws you to write for children?
A: I love children. I love being a teacher, a mother, and a grandmother. I also always loved creating stories, since I was a child. So what’s better than joining two of your passions: children + stories and creating stories that kids will enjoy and get inspired by?

Q: What is your favorite advice to give someone who wants to write or publish a book?
A: When things get tough, don’t assume that bad luck is following you or that you don’t have talent. This publishing world is tough. And you can’t control if an agent or publisher likes your story. But you can control your attitude. Keep on reading, learning, and writing.

Capa-HamMan-draftQ: What upcoming projects are you most excited about right now?
A: I am excited about my other books coming out. In 2025 – If Your Abuelo is an Astronauta (Simon & Schuster), Sticky Hermana (Charlesbridge), Vera, la Valiente, is Scared (Beaming Books). And in 2026 – Mami’s Heart (HarperCollins) and two other ones to be announced (a PB and a chapter book).

My graphic novel Luka, the Superhero Inventor is on submission. And I hope to sell it because the story is funny and sweet, and my niece’s art is incredible.

ana-photoQ: Where can people find out more about you and your books?
A: Check my website:
Follow me on Twitter:

Book Launch Graphic (2)If you’re able to make the book launch for La Mala Suerte is Following Me, it’s on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 8 pm EST. I would love to see you there. Register here.


12 months to feature 12 picture books…

This picture book review is part of a monthly challenge I’ve set for myself. Have a recommendation for me? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. I may just feature your pick one of these months!

Review / Nothing Else But Miracles

20231223ma_2372Book: Nothing Else But Miracles (2023)
Author: Kate Albus
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson Books
Genre: MG, Historical

Opening lines from the book …
If you were looking for Dory Byrne—not that there’s any reason you would be—you’d most likely find her at the Castle.
Which makes it sound as if this is a story about a princess.
It isn’t.
Castle Clinton, as it was known to most people, wasn’t actually a castle at all.

What makes this book stand out …

This story is set during World War II. While Dad’s overseas, Dory and her brothers are home alone. But they can’t let their grouchy landlord know this. (Their mom’s dead, I believe.) To put him off their trail, Dory finds an abandoned hotel above a local restaurant and they move in! What fun they have exploring their new digs. There is a slight mystery about the place. The historical details of the time are nicely woven into the story. I was definitely rooting for Dory and her family!



Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

PB Review / Helen Keller

20240224ma_0312Book: Helen Keller: The World in Her Heart (2008)
Author: Lesa Cline-Ransome
Illustrator: James Ransome
Publisher: Collins
Genre: Picture Book (Biography)

Opening Lines of the Book…
It was March in Alabama, and the warm spring air slipped through the open windows and mingled with the scent of sugar and vanilla. Helen longed to go outside and run barefoot through the still damp grass or climb the tall oak out in the front, but the promise of the first bite of her favorite cake kept her inside close to the stove.


I’ve always loved the Helen Keller story. Even as a child, I was amazed at what this young girl, deaf and blind, went on to accomplish in her life. What I really loved about this book is that it approached such a well-known story. It goes into how Helen experienced the world. It gave us a sense of how she used the senses she had (touch and smell). And then we get to experience how Helen went from “hating” this new teacher (Anne Sullivan) to becoming so close to her.

Another winner from one of my favorite picture book author/illustrator duos!

P.S. I got a little creative with my photography on this one … showing the dark and the light.




12 months to feature 12 picture books…

This picture book review is part of a monthly challenge I’ve set for myself. Have a recommendation for me? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.  I may just feature your pick one of these months!

Photo Challenge #2 / Nowhere

20240210ma_0246“In the Middle Of …” / Theme: Nowhere

A little about this photo…

Took this shot on a winter’s hike. As soon as I saw this little island with a tree, I knew I had to take this photo!


THIS 2023 MONTHLY PHOTO CHALLENGEThis year is YEAR SEVEN of doing a photography challenge! (I began in 2018.) For more information about the list of prompts for this year, click on this link. And join me in posting your own photos on the last Saturday of each month with #2024picofthemonth

Cover Reveal! / The Christmas Elephant

20240203ma_0125-brpaper2I am so excited to share with you the cover of my debut picture book, The Christmas Elephant!

As you can see from the sneak preview, the cover features my elephant-loving main character, Ellie! She can’t wait to be part of the Christmas nativity play. But, you know there’s going to be problems, right? Ellie has a sister named Piper who’s directing the play, and Piper says there were no elephants in Bethlehem!

The book is being published by Paraclete Press and comes out October 8, 2024.

It’s time for … Confetti! Streamers! 🎉🥳






Title: The Christmas Elephant
Author: Maria Antonia
Illustrator: Laura Zarrin
Publisher: Paraclete Press


2024-Feb-activity-peekIt’s Almost Newsletter Time! If you’ve already signed up to receive my newsletter, you can expect to find it in your inbox soon! You can still sign up and get access to this and all my previous newsletters. (And as a bonus, when you sign up, you get a free Welcome Gift PDF of a fun fill-in-the-blank story!)

Who’s my newsletter for? For parents and teachers and aunts and uncles and grandparents who want ways to connect with the children and students in their lives! Each issue offers a fun little freebie … Sign up today

Review / School Trip

20231105ma_2150Book: School Trip (2023)
Author: Jerry Craft
Publisher: Quill Tree Books
Genre: MG, Graphic Novel

Opening lines from the book …
As the Final chapter of my junior high school life comes to an end, there’s so much that I’m hoping for … or AM I? For example: I really hope that I get into art school. But I’d miss my friends at RAD. But then again, it would be great to be around other artists and people who get me.

What makes this book stand out …
Jordan and his friends get to head off across the ocean to Paris, France! What’s not to love about that. There’s a mix-up and the wrong teachers get sent on the trip. This means that the trip isn’t quite planned out in the way it was intended. The two teachers don’t have working credit cards, so they have to do a lot of walking.

I’ve never been to Paris, but I’ve read a lot about it. So this was a fun read in that sense. Yes, they get to see the Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa. There’s a lot of drama with Andy, who’s on the trip. Jordan (Spoiler!) gets put in the same room. Andy is one of those annoying characters, but I found that I felt sorry for him over the course of this book. And he does have a nice bit of a character arc. He’s not one of the guys. He’s still Andy!


Another good book in the New Kid series! This one’s for all the kids that wouldn’t mind a trip to Paris, France!


Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

Photo Challenge #1 / Quiet Time

20240119ma_0052“Snowfall” / Theme: Quiet Time

A little about this photo…

This was the first big snowfall of the new year! There’s something so quiet and peaceful about when it’s snowing. And so I complete my first photo of the year. (It’s all melted again, but it was beautiful while it lasted.)

THIS 2023 MONTHLY PHOTO CHALLENGEThis year is YEAR SEVEN of doing a photography challenge! (I began in 2018.) For more information about the list of prompts for this year, click on this link. And join me in posting your own photos on the last Saturday of each month with #2024picofthemonth


PB Review / Endlessly Ever After

20240125ma_0075Book: Endlessly Ever After (2022)
Author: Laurel Snyder
Illustrator: Dan Santat
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Genre: Picture Book

Opening Lines of the Book…
Your mama shakes you out of bed. She says, “My darling dear,
you need to run to Grandma’s, quick! She’s feeling ill, I fear.
“Now take this cake, to cheer her up, and have a lovely day.
But mind the path! For danger tends to lurk along the way.”


As a kid, I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books! Well, this picture book mixes that type of story with another of my favorite story types—the fairy tale. This book follows the journey of Little Red Riding Hood as she heads to her grandmother’s house. Will she choose the red cape or the nice furry cape? Will she pick daisies or … well, you get the idea. But this book doesn’t just stick with the Little Red Riding Hood story. You’ll meet princesses and princes and pigs and all different characters from your favorite tales.

Also to note: This isn’t your standard 32-page picture book. There are lots of different options for how the story can turn out. So, yes, you’ll want to go back and try a different path to see what could happen next!


Thank you to my critique partner, Sarah Meade, for suggesting this title. What fun!



12 months to feature 12 picture books…

This picture book review is part of a monthly challenge I’ve set for myself. Have a recommendation for me? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.  I may just feature your pick one of these months!

Review / Make a Move, Sunny Park

20240113ma_0023Book: Make a Move, Sunny Park (2023)
Author: Jessica Kim
Publisher: Kokila
Genre: MG, Contemporary

Opening lines from the book …
Three words: Inflatable. Dinosaur. Costume. That’s how I’ll stand out from all the other people doing the Supreme Beat Dance Challenge on my social media feed. It’s so genius, I could smack myself.

What makes this book stand out …

This is the story of two girls, Sunny and Bailey, and how they grow apart. Sunny has a personality as sunny as her name, but she also has a wee bit of social anxiety. But Bailey is determined to try out for the school dance team and drags Sunny along for the tryouts. Slight spoiler… Sunny makes the team and Bailey does not.

I loved the new friends Sunny makes. Kayden and Bea are such nice kids. Of course, Sunny is doomed to make cringe-worthy mistakes as she navigates old and new friendships… which will become important to the plot and to Sunny’s character arc. There’s also a nice side story with Sunny’s grandmother, Halmoni.

While this is not a direct sequel to Yumi Chung‘s story, it is a companion book. Sunny mentions at one point that Yumi is her cousin. I liked that, even though Yumi wasn’t really part of the book.



Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday