Review / When Stars are Scattered

20220219ma_0327Book: When Stars are Scattered (2020)
Author: Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed
Genre: MG, Graphic Novel

Opening lines from the book …
Now, in a place as crowded as this, I’m afraid we’ll never be found.


1) I loved how Omar looks after his younger brother, Hassan. The connection and loyalty they have for each other is wonderful to see in a book.

2) It was nice to see Omar finally get to go to school. I liked how they portrayed his struggles with leaving his brother behind, and that things are not suddenly all easy either.

3) I also liked how we got to see various refugee kids dealing with various scenarios. Like Jeri who limps. Or Maryam whose parents have an arranged marriage for her. 

4) The story begins in the refugee camp, so we don’t get to see what led to the boys’ escape. At least, not until later in the book. And when we get to that part (about what happened in Somalia), it was very powerful, but was also treated in a way that is suitable for young readers.

5) I really liked the authors’ notes at the back. They give some closure to some of the questions raised in the story. I found this story (mostly true, although I understand that some of the secondary characters are composites of different people the real Omar knew) very an eye-opening and compelling read.


What a wonderful look into what a refugee camp was all about. My grandparents were both refugees (from different countries). I’ve heard their stories. And while it was a little different (World War II was in full swing), this book did give me a little incite into their experiences. Highly recommend this book!



Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

11 thoughts on “Review / When Stars are Scattered

  1. Thanks to a grant, I was able to go see Ifo as I researched a book. In the town where I used to live (20 min from my new home), many Somali families had lived in the Dadaab area camps. It was one of the most humbling and life-changing trips I have ever taken. I agree with Greg–it’s a perfect story right now. I just hope *someday* that humans will learn from history, and we won’t need refugee camps…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This sounds like an important refugee story to share right now. It’s very engaging. I like that there are young people who face different situations because of their culture. I’m a suck for stories like this! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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