Deal Announcement / Barnaby the Runaway Sheep

Penny the Sheep is SOOO excited about this book … coming in March 2025. Does Penny know who Barnaby is? No. But she’s still excited! (Hence the look of glee and the red balloon.)

And so am I! (Excited, that is.) I can’t wait for you to meet Barnaby, illustrated by Sayani Mukherjee! He’s even cuter than Penny (but don’t tell her I told you that. I’m probably just biased.)

Note: Penny is NOT illustrated by my illustrator. Instead, she is the creation of catalyststuff from

Stay tuned for the cover reveal in August!

#dealannouncement #picturebookauthor #upcomingpicturebook

2024-June-activity-peekIt’s Newsletter Time! If you’ve already signed up to receive my newsletter, you can expect to find it in your inbox soon! You can still sign up and get access to this and all my previous newsletters. (And as a bonus, when you sign up, you get a free Welcome Gift PDF of a fun fill-in-the-blank story!)

Who’s my newsletter for? For parents and teachers and aunts and uncles and grandparents who want ways to connect with the children and students in their lives! Each issue offers a fun little freebie … This month’s activity is a Summer Reading Bingo! Sign up for the Newsletter today

Join My Book Launch Team


We are officially five months away from the book release for my picture book, The Christmas Elephant! (153 days, but who’s counting? The šŸŽ„šŸ˜, that’s who.) I have a question for you: Would you consider being on my Book Launch Team?

What is a Book Launch Team?
I’m glad you asked! It’s a group of my friends, family, acquaintances, and colleagues who will accept the challenge to help me get the word out about my new book! As a team member, you get to help me celebrate by posting on social media, leaving reviews on Amazon, and generally creating a ā€œbuzzā€ about The Christmas Elephant. The bookā€™s release date is the most important time to market the book, and we want as many people as possible to ā€œride the waveā€ at that time.

christmas-elephant-cover-reveal-plain-1What are the PERKS of being on a Book Launch Team?
– A digital copy of the book ahead of time (before the rest of the world gets to read it!)
– Exclusive giveaways, including a signed copy of the book.
– Other opportunities to win fun prizes.
– Access to coupon codes for orders on my publisher’s website.

Who can be on the Launch Team?
– Family members
– Friends
– Fellow authors
– Community members
– Fans of my previous work
– In short … YOU! (Please!)

Note: You may commit to whatever you’re able. Even if you can do one or two of the things on the list, that would be the greatest help to me! Please sign up here…

P.S. If you already signed up to be on my Launch Team, thank you!



Published! / Marvin’s Mix-Up

20240313ma_0367Meet Mix-Up Marvin! He comes to you in a brand new story published in Clubhouse Jr. magazine in the March 2024 issue. My story once again is the cover story! (Although it’s not actually Marvin on the cover. If you want to find out who it is, you’ll just have to wait for my newsletter to come out.)

GIVEAWAY ā€¦ YAY! To celebrate Marvin’s debut, Iā€™m hosting a giveaway. The winner gets to choose either a copy of the magazine (with Marvinā€™s story) or a manuscript critique (by moi).

To enter the giveaway, sign up here for my newsletter

Already signed up for the newsletter? The newsletter goes out later this week, and you will find a link in there.

And now for ā€¦

The Story Behind the Story

Marvin-twirl-gifThe idea for this story came out of Storystorm, a challenge for writers each January to help them come up with story ideas. I originally titled it ā€œGet Better Soon.ā€ I thought:

What if someone sent a get-well card by mistake to a person who wasnā€™t actually sick?

And thatā€™s how Mix-up Marvin was born. I always pictured him as a forest creature, which is a little odd since I usually write stories with human protagonists. My original draft included a whole cast of animal neighbors. However, the editors at Clubhouse Jr. asked me to focus the story exclusively on Marvin and the tuba-playing neighbor.


2024-Apr-activity-peekMARVIN’S MIX-UP was published in Clubhouse Jr. magazine in their March 2024 issue. Story by me, Maria Antonia. The wonderful art is by Andy Elkerton.

When you sign up for my newsletter, you will gain access to these free activity sheets. (The newsletter goes out later this week.)

AND when you sign up, you will automatically be put in the running to win my ā€œMarvinā€ giveaway! (Your choice: A copy of the magazine mailed to your door OR a manuscript critique.)


Cover Reveal! / The Christmas Elephant

20240203ma_0125-brpaper2I am so excited to share with you the cover of my debut picture book, The Christmas Elephant!

As you can see from the sneak preview, the cover features my elephant-loving main character, Ellie! She can’t wait to be part of the Christmas nativity play. But, you know there’s going to be problems, right? Ellie has a sister named Piper who’s directing the play, and Piper says there were no elephants in Bethlehem!

The book is being published by Paraclete Press and comes out October 8, 2024.

It’s time for … Confetti! Streamers! šŸŽ‰šŸ„³






Title: The Christmas Elephant
Author: Maria Antonia
Illustrator: Laura Zarrin
Publisher: Paraclete Press


2024-Feb-activity-peekIt’s Almost Newsletter Time! If you’ve already signed up to receive my newsletter, you can expect to find it in your inbox soon! You can still sign up and get access to this and all my previous newsletters. (And as a bonus, when you sign up, you get a free Welcome Gift PDF of a fun fill-in-the-blank story!)

Who’s my newsletter for? For parents and teachers and aunts and uncles and grandparents who want ways to connect with the children and students in their lives! Each issue offers a fun little freebie … Sign up today

2023 / A Writing Year in Review


Celebrating 2023…

For the past number of years (I can’t remember how many now), I’ve been taking part in Julie Hedlund’s 12 Days of Christmas for Writers. As part of the end-of-the-year process, she challenges writers to post their SUCCESSES (rather than New Year’s resolutions) for the year. I like the idea of focusing on the positive. And that’s one reason why I keep a monthly gratitude tally at the end of my writing notebook … so I can keep track of the good things that happen. Little things and big things.

And this year, I’ve had some BIG things (and little things too) to celebrate. So, here’s a list of my “good news stories” from 2023…

  1. The Big One: I had a two picture book deal with Paraclete Press for THE CHRISTMAS ELEPHANT and THE RUNAWAY SHEEP. Very exciting! šŸŽ‰šŸ˜šŸ‘
  2. I got my first royalty check in the mail! (I’m not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m not complaining!)
  3. I set up my first author website, complete with newsletter! (So far, 3 newsletters are under my belt. Looking forward to more.)
  4. Two of my short stories were accepted for publication in magazines. One of them will be published in March 2024.
  5. My Speedy the Goat story was the “cover kid” for the July issue of Clubhouse Jr. magazine.
  6. I completed or worked on several MG manuscripts, one of which is out on submission and another for which a first draft was completed during the month of November.
  7. In 2023, I offered free PB/MG critiques called #3WordsCritiqueGiveaway. I was able to do three this fall!
  8. I critiqued lots of manuscripts for my critique partners this year.
  9. I won a PB critique for one of my stories back in February.
  10. I finished another year of 52 Photos posted for my #2023picoftheweek Photography Challenge! (A challenge that is going to become a monthly challenge in 2024.)

Here’s to 2024…


Do you have good news from 2023 to share? Looking forward to something in 2024? Let me know about it in the comments! And no, it doesn’t have to be writing-related, but it could be.ā˜ŗļø

Writing Inspiration is … Everywhere


Inspiration comes from … anywhere and everywhere! A word, a phrase, a photo, a meme.

I gather inspiration in various places, from Pinterest to my own bulletin board (Pinterest IRL). These images and printouts provide writing prompts for me. For example, some time ago, I saw this photo of a 104-year-old man waiting for a train.Ā  He just begged to be put into a story!

But wait, there’s more to this story.

Sometimes, there’s nothing to actually pin on a board. Rather, I get to dig into my own memory. Twenty years ago, give or take, I remember taking my young nephew (he must have been less than 3 years old at the time) for walks in the neighborhood. One of his favorite stops along the way was to say hello to the “Porch People.” Yes, there were two elderly couples (if memory serves me) that regularly sat outside on their porch, watching the world go by. And they loved interacting with my nephew.

My mind connected the photo with a bit of real-life experience and voila! I created a story called Dapper Old Man. If you want to read the story, I’m making it available as a freebie when you become one of my newsletter subscribers. In addition to the story, this issue has a fun fall quiz that I hope you will also enjoy!

Ā» Sign up here for my newsletter

2023-fall-activitysheetsIt’s Newsletter Time! If you’ve already signed up to receive my newsletter, you can expect to find it in your inbox on Thursday (October 5, 2023)! And if you’re reading this after the 6th, don’t worry, you can still sign up and get access to this and all my previous newsletters. (And as a bonus, when you sign up, you get a free Welcome Gift PDF of a fun fill-in-the-blank story!)

Who’s my newsletter for? For parents and teachers and aunts and uncles and grandparents who want ways to connect with the children and students in their lives! Each issue offers a fun little freebie … Sign up today

Published! / Speedy the Kid


It’s my third story to be published in Clubhouse Jr. magazine!

Speedy the Kid has made his debut in the July 2023 issue. And not only is Speedy the hero of his own story but he’s also made the cover. He’s a “Cover Kid!” If you’re interested in the magazine itself, check out the Clubhouse Jr. website.

GIVEWAY … YAY! To celebrate Speedy, I’m hosting a giveaway. The winner gets to choose from a list of prizes, including a copy of the magazine (with Speedy’s story), picture books written by a few of my critique partners, and a critique by yours truly. All you have to do to enter is to sign up for my newsletter. (And when you do that, you will get access to a fun craft and activity sheet to use with your own kids or classroom.)

To enter the giveaway, sign up here for my newsletter.

For more info on the giveaway, check out this webpage.

And now for …

The Story Behind the Story

When I was a kid, my family lived next door to a farm that had all sorts of chickens, horses, cows, and ā€¦ goats! I remember a particular goat named Speedy who, like his name suggests, loved to run-run-run! But Speedy had a bad habit. And that was … he liked to headbutt. Ouch!

It was always a little tricky when we wanted to visit our friends next door. Keep an eye out for Speedy! Sure enough, heā€™d come racing down the long driveway. The trick was to outrun him and keep away from those headbutts. Looking back, I think Speedy really just wanted to play with us. He just needed to learn to play less rough!

This story is based on my memories of Speedy, a quick little goat that was as speedy as his name!

imgactivitysheets-speedySPEEDY THE KID was published in Clubhouse Jr. magazine in their July 2023 issue. Story by me, Maria Antonia. The wonderful art is by Andy Elkerton.

When you sign up for my newsletter, you will gain access to this free activity with lots of goat humor and a goat craft! (The newsletter goes out a little later in the month of July.) AND this will automatically put you in the running to win my “Speedy” giveaway!

The Art (and Fun) of Letter Writing


I love letter writing. And since, apparently, today is National Letter Writing Day!

The sad truth is that I don’t write nearly as many letters as I used to. As a kid, I corresponded with quite a few penpals (from around the world, no less). And I even kept up with all that letter writing until, well … I hate to say it:

The computer and email took over.

Yes, it’s easier to type out letters and hit the send button. No need for stamps. No need to find a working pen. No need to get that cramp in your hand as you write yet another page.

But you know what? Even though it’s easier, it’s also easier to forget to write. So, I don’t. Or rather, I don’t write the newsy-type of emails nearly as often as I used to when it was writing actual snail mail letters.

Sending a Note Through the Mail

I’m trying not to let the art and fun of letter writing die. Birthday cards and Christmas cards are the perfect excuse (and motivation) to write. And I’ve even bought blank note cards to write “just because” notes. To always put something inside those cards, even if it’s just a quick line or two. In my own handwriting, because I do think there’s something about a handwritten note that’s nice and comforting.

I still write in cursive. Although sometimes I use block letters, especially if I’m sending something to the nieces or nephews. (Sometimes I forget, though, and then I have to figure out what to do about it. Can they even read my note? Do I just let it go? Make them learn to read some cursive writing?!)

Letter writing is a wonderful way to connect with my family and friends, especially those I don’t see as often. And I don’t know about you, but for me …

There’s nothing quite so thrilling as getting a letter in the mail!

P.S. The photo above shows a collection of letters that I wrote my sister when I lived in Spain. (And those were just the letters I sent her, by the way.) She gave them back to me years later, and I kept them as a bit of a record of my year there.



Do you like to write letters? Do you send out Christmas or holiday cards? Let me hear about it in the comments.


#WriterFriendsChallenge is a monthly challenge for writers hosted @susanleighneedham & @thatsarahelynn on Instagram.



Taking a Break



I’m taking a book review break. Too much going on. Not as much reading. (I don’t even have NaNo as an excuse! Not that I’m not writing… if that makes sense.)

I plan to be back in December. Maybe. (We’ll see.)


Do you sometimes need a media break? Do you go offline completely or just take a bit of a break? Let me know in the comments.

P.S. For those of you who are interested in my sweet potato experiment. Sadly, I only got 2 (maybe 3?) sweet potatoes. On the negative side, I’m not sure I’ll grow sweet potatoes again. On the positive side, they were delicious.

A Writing Trick or Treat


Prompt / Share a Writing Trick or Treat

I’m answering another prompt for #WriterFriendsChallenge. My trick (or treat rather) is for helping you organize chapters. Basically, you’re mapping out your book with a chart.

I create a cheat sheet with 44 squares. Each square is labeled from chapter 1 to (you guessed it!) chapter 44. I print this sheet and, with pencil in hand, jot out the main idea or plotpoint for each chapter. This helps figure out if each plot point naturally leads to the next.

Then I type my jotted notes into the computer file with the date at the bottom. I write some chapters, find I need to make adjustments to my cheat sheet. And the cycle begins again.

With subsequent versions, I sometimes will drop in other info:

  • chapter titles
  • little clues (setups) to be revealed later in the MS
  • dates (i.e. let’s say chapter 1 happens on Fri/Jul 7 and chapter 14 takes place on Mon/Jul 10)

I like to keep it all on one page so that I can see everything at a glance. (Although, if you write more than 44 chapters, you’d need to take that into account.)

Happy Writing!


Do you have a writing trick or treat? Let me hear it in the comments.


#WriterFriendsChallenge is a monthly challenge for writers hosted @susanleighneedham & @thatsarahelynn on Instagram.