Review / Just Like Click

20240519ma_0579Book: Just Like Click (2024)
Author: Sandy Grubb
Genre: MG, Contemporary
Publisher: Fitzroy Books

Opening lines from the book …

Superheroes don’t exactly tell the whole truth. Superman hides behind Clark Kent’s thick black glasses. Batman wears a mask to protect Bruce Wayne. Who would ever suspect Peter Parker is Spider-Man? Then there’s me. I’m not a superhero, but I have my own secrets. And if I’m going to keep those secrets, I’d better get going before Mom gets home.

What makes this book stand out …

Nick’s an artist who loves all things superhero. His dad’s pushing him to be great at soccer. (Nick’s not great at soccer.) And then, because his dad’s losing his job, it looks like they’re going to move away. But Nick can’t! He’s helping the friends of his Great Gramp (who has died).

I love how Nick is so dedicated to all these old people! And how his Gramp tasked him with this job. Nick starts helping more and more people … in the middle of the night, no less. (His nighttime escapades made me tired!) With the help of some girls, he’s keeping the secret that he’s the one behind all the good deeds being done, just like his superhero creation, Click. (And Superman, of course.)

I loved the little comics at the beginning of each chapter!  I’d recommend this for kids who love a good caper.


Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I’m posting this for Greg Pattridge’s Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

8 thoughts on “Review / Just Like Click

  1. I haven’t read this, but it sounds good. It sounds like a story kids will like. I really liked the opening lines. Thanks for featuring it this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: MMGM for June 10, 2024 | Always in the Middle…

  3. I haven’t read this, but it does sound wonderful. Love the premise and doing good deeds. Unfortunately, I blanked on getting my MMGM in on time, but I do have a post up of The Cookie Crumbles, if you’re interested. Have a lovely day.

    Liked by 1 person

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